
Lucas Moreno Parra

Civil engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) qualified with a Level 3 MECES Certificate (master’s degree) and a Level 7 Civil Engineering correspondence, according to the European Qualifications Frame. He has over 18 years of experience as an Insurance appraisal expert. He began his professional career in the Construction sector, as a structural calculations specialist in…

José Luis Bravo González

Civil Engineer (E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) He began his professional career in the Construction sector in 1999, as a Site Manager for the construction company CORSAN-CORVIAM, being in charge of the construction of civil works for several Spanish Institutions. He began working as an Insurance Company Surveyor in 2003, in…

Javier Milla Crespo

Civil works engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). With over 19 years experience as an appraisal expert, he began his professional career in the Construction sector working for first-class Spanish construction companies, in operations involving the water supply and sewage network as well as expansion and renovation works of the metro stations in Madrid. He began…

Enrique Cavanillas Ovilo

Architect qualified as Building Specialist (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). He began his professional career in the construction sector in 1992, founding his own office as an independent architect, where he worked on various building and construction projects. From 1998 to 2000 he worked in the engineering company COTAS INTERNACIONAL, carrying out project verification works, technical…

Technical Public Works Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2006), adapted into the current educational system as Civil Works Engineer  (Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia, 2014). He began his professional career in 2003 in TAPRO (Talleres y Proyectos) collaborating in data gathering for the calculation of the capacity of the National Roads and Ring…

Building engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Europea de Madrid). She started her professional career as a Building Engineer, working as a Site Manager Assistant from 1999 to 2002. In 2002 she takes on the position of Head of Production in the building company OBRUM S.L, in the construction of single family dwellings. She…

Building engineer (by Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica in the Universidad de Sevilla) and Graduate in Building Engineering (by the Escuela Politécnica de Cuenca in the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha). He began his professional career in the Insurance Company Surveying field in 2001, when working for REVENGA Y ASOCIADOS in their Seville office, in which…

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He began his professional career in 2001 in the Madrid branch of CRAWFORD & COMPANY (Spain), in the Property Damage and Energy Departments where he carried out claims management and loss adjustment in several types of claims: renewable energy projects (photo-voltaic, cogeneration, SF6-isolated electrical substations and fires in warehouses and workshops, as well as loss…

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Since 1996 he worked in the construction company Dragados as a Civil Works engineer, in the position of Head of Production, Head of Technical Office, Site Manager and Head of Technical Services in different types of works (roads, piping, foundations, dams) in several places in Spain and Algeria. In 2001 he joined the engineering company…

Manuel Mateos Prieto

Architect by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid He began his professional career in the construction sector, setting up his own architecture practice in 2001, in which he carried out several construction projects and structure calculations. During this period he also worked in parallel for BUREAU VERITAS, for whom he collaborated until 2004 in the verification…

Electronics engineer (Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieros Julio Garavito) Bogotá – Colombia. He has over 10 years of experience as an insurance adjuster. From 1990 to 2006 he worked in the engineering field, working for several companies in operations regarding construction tasks, the renovation of bank offices, installation of ATMs, coordination of maintenance works, etc. In…

Building Engineer (EAAT in Tenerife). Qualified as a Mechanical Technical Engineer. He began his professional career in 1992 as a Health and Safety Coordinator during construction, writing projects and managing the construction phases in several different building works in the Canary Islands region. During this time he combined these works with teaching in several high…

Jaime Linares Alarcón

He has over 16 years of experience in the Colombian insurance market, in the legal and in the multinational company loss adjustment areas (insurance companies and stockbrokers). From 2001 to 2010 he worked as a lawyer in ALLIANZ COLOMBIA, taking on several positions within the company until finally promoting to General Secretary, a position from…

Architect with a specialization in Building Technology (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). She began her professional activity in 2007 as a Calculation specialist in the Structural Consultant’s office BOMA, S.L, participating in the calculations and design of architectural structures. In April 2010 she joined the Valencia branch of Abaco International Loss Adjusters, where she surveys Construction…

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In 1991 she started her professional career as a Research Assistant in the Instituto de Ingeniería (UNAM – Mexico), until 1995. In 1995 she started working for INTEGRAL S.A (Colombia) as an engineering geologist, taking care of the inspection and geotechnical supervision of several road projects’ studies and design, designing and organizing excavation works for…

He started his professional career in the loss adjustment sector in 1991, while working as junior staff in Gabinete Técnico Teixidó (GTT), where he took part in the surveying of high-frequency damages in all the operational business lines, as well as in the construction field. Currently, Aurelio has 23 years of experience as an adjuster…

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He is a technical Agricultural Engineer by the Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica de Sevilla Cortijo de Cuarto (Spain), and he holds a master’s degree in Loss Valuation and Appraisal by the Universidad Politécnica de Sevilla (Spain). He has over 13 years’ experience as an Adjuster in the Losses and Civil Liability areas, and he has…

In 2012 he joined Abaco Asesores Periciales as surveyor in the Industrial, Construction and Freight and Transport Departments, collaborating in several damage claims from various areas of expertise (Fires, Electrical Damage, Theft, Machinery Breakdown, Civil Liability, Freight…).

Building and construction works Technical Draftsman. He began his professional career in 2001 as a Draftsman for an Architecture office. From 2002 on he attended several technical training courses in KERABEN TIENDAS, S.L, specializing in the implementation, maintenance and possible claims regarding ceramic materials, laminate flooring, parquet, raised floors and double-skin façades, as well as…

Eloy Ferrero Jambrina

Building engineer (E.U.A.T of La Coruña) and Occupational Risk Prevention technician (C.I.P.) He began his career as a claim adjuster for insurance companies in May 1998, working in Revenga & Asociados at the beginning and later in RTS, where he worked until December 2009. During this time he provided his services as a loss adjuster…

Sebastián Carrasco Ríos

Building engineer (Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica of the Universidad de Sevilla) and Graduate in Building engineering (Escuela Politécnica de Cuenca of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha). He has over 24 years of experience as an Insurance Appraisal Expert in the Construction and Industrial fields. From 1988 to 1992 he worked as a Site Manager…

Railway Terminals and their Risks

In an article originally appearing in the magazine Reaseguro Contemporáneo, published by Aon Benfield Mexico, its authors, our colleagues Javier Milla Crespo, David Montiel Quezel-Guerra and Rodolfo Gómez Paredes offer their perspective on the technical aspects of Railway Terminals and their Risks, and their implications for Insurers. Train stations present a variety of risks, including…

Insurance Policies for the Construction of Rapid Transport Lines

Beatriz Elena Pérez González, Roberto Sánchez Linaje and Guillermo Amengual Giardín, members of the Construction Department at ABACO INTERNATIONAL LOSS ADJUSTERS, have co-authored an article entitled Insurance Policies for the Construction of Rapid Transport Lines which appeared in Volume 7 of the magazine REASEGURO CONTEMPORANEO, published by AON BENFIELD. The article presents a brief description…