Rui Miguel Ramos da Costa
Property & Casualty Senior Loss Adjuster
M.A. in Architecture
Postgraduate in Structural Rehabilitation of Buildings
Postgraduate in OHS Systems
Architect, Technical Consultant in the areas of Design, Construction, Appraisal and Real Estate Investment, with complementary training in Sustainable Construction, Conventional and Non-Conventional Construction Techniques (LSF, CLT, TFC), in Environment and Safety.
Judicial Expert and Loss Adjuster, Higher Technician in OHS and Postgraduate in Management of OHS Systems, technically responsible for the Evaluation of Risks and Losses, national and international, in highly complex processes and/or of significant financial relevance, namely, in the areas of Liability, Property, Industrial and Environmental, including intervention in litigation processes, as a witness, expert and qualified specialist.
Sole national representative in the European team of Expertise and Risk Assessment of Assets of Relevant Economic Value (High Net Worth European Team / CUNNINGHAM LINDSEY PORTUGAL).
Creation and full implementation of a new Technical Inspection structure, with the recruitment, training and coordination of teams of Specialists, involved in surveying risks and damage in areas considered to be high risk, adjacent to new Motorways and Routes, with direct management of all complaints (CUNNINGHAM LINDSEY PORTUGAL).
Architect and designer, with experience in Design and Construction, in the areas of Housing, Tourism, Commerce and Services, Sports Complexes and Industrial Units (PB&RC / ZEROQUATRO).