Jocyr Sanchez de Almeida
Mechanical Industrial Engineer
Loss Adjuster - Surveyor
First lieutenant in the Brazilian Navy corps of engineers
Between January 2009 and January 2017, he worked in the Brazilian Navy as a naval engineering officer, staying as long as possible and reaching the highest position until that year. While in the Brazilian Navy, he participated in various types of ship projects and was manager of mechanical structure subprojects in the hydrodynamics laboratory.
Between January 2017 and November 2019, he worked as a loss adjuster.
In November 2019, he joined the office of Abaco Loss Adjusters Portugal as a expert surveyor in vessel, industry, engineering and service department.
He holds the titles of First Lieutenant in the 2nd class reserve of the Brazilian Navy Engineers' Corps, Loss adjusters, regulation and settlement of claims and multi-risks (granted by Funenseg), Marine Insurance, port security supervisor, (granted by Senasp) diesel engines. (granted by Maxion/Fei)